
Since the product launch of Owlto Finance in 2023, Owlto Finance has gained user love through the following product advantages, allowing it to become one of the top leading cross-chain protocols in a short time.

Secure: All smart contracts of Owlto Finance are open source. You can find the corresponding Security Assessment/Smart Contract Audit Report on the homepage of Owlto Finance's official website. Security has always been a top priority for Owlto Finance. Owlto Finance conducts regular third-party assessments and collaborates with security firms to enhance the protocol's security. In addition, Owlto Finance's products are 100% transferable. Owlto acts as a third-party bridge service that does not mint any tokens. Most importantly, when you use Owlto Finance, your assets are only "in progress of transfer" during asset transfers (usually about 15-30 seconds). For the remaining 99.9% of the time, your assets are under your control in your account. Owlto does not hold your assets, ensuring that your funds are absolutely secure.

Fast: Asset transfers do not require long waiting times and can be completed within minutes or seconds (e.g typically it takes around 15-30 seconds for a Layer2-to-Layer2 cross chain transaction. Owlto's cross-chain transaction execution is directly completed between Layer 2 and Layer 2 networks, asynchronously from the confirmation and block confirmation of Layer 1. Therefore, the efficiency of transactions can be greatly increased. Owlto Finance insists on being the first to support their networks on mainstream mainnets. Owlto Finance is often the first Bridge to support the coverage of new networks. "Fast" also represents the speed of supporting new networks, which is crucial for meeting user demands.

Low-Priced: Also, because it does not require confirmation with Layer 1 for each transaction, Owlto Finance bundles transactions, resulting in significantly reduced transaction costs.

Easy-to-use: Owlto Finance always prioritizes user experience. We aim to provide a product that is very easy to use and can be used by the vast majority of people. Users do not need to understand complex blockchain logic to use Owlto's products. Owlto Finance is the first Cross Chain Protocol to use AI Agent to optimize product experience, improve fund transfer paths, enhance product experience, and help users understand complex blockchain logic to make the best decisions. Owlto Finance often conducts polls on X(Twitter) and Discord to engage users in product iterations, including network and token integration choices, UI improvements, and more.

In summary, Owlto has significant advantages in performance, scalability, security, and user experience, providing a solution to the scalability and transaction cost limitations of the Ethereum mainnet, and providing high-performance, low-transaction cost, secure and reliable transaction processing capabilities while being user-friendly and compatible. These advantages make Owlto widely applicable in DeFi applications, NFT markets, DEXs, cross-chain asset transfers, games, and the Metaverse. By introducing Owlto, it can promote the participation of more applications and users in the Ethereum, Bitcoin and Solana ecosystem, and further drive the development and innovation of the blockchain industry.

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